Thursday, July 7, 2016

A Day in the Life: China Edition

Lately I've posted mostly photos of my travels, but little of my daily life in China. I'm packing up to leave on summer holiday, so I wanted to leave you with 31 days of posts that paint a picture of what it's like to live in China and what my current life is like. If you want to join in the sharing I'd love it if you would place a link in the comments back to your post. I hope you enjoy and have a great summer!

I'm finished with university classes and getting ready to leave for the summer holiday. Here's a look at what I did today:

  • Woke up and showered 
  • Packed my suitcase 
  • Put miscellaneous things away in my apartment
  • Swept the floors 
  • Snack break
  • Washed laundry
  • Travel research for Japan online
  • Trip to the train station to pick up my ticket to the airport tomorrow
  • Prepared lesson for this evenings tutoring session (the last before I leave, YAY!)
  • Booked travel tickets online for Japan
  • Prepared blog posts for while I'm away
  • Tutoring for 90 minutes
  • Dinner at a hot pot restaurant (as if it's not hot enough outside!)
  • Last minute trip packing and cleaning up apartment
  • Laying out everything I need for my early departure
  • Bed

In a way this schedule is not typical because I'm leaving on holiday tomorrow. Yet, it sort of is a typical schedule as well. I teach at a university and I don't have to be in my office every day during certain times. My classes are similar to those at a university in the US, in the way that I teach on different days at different times. When I'm not teaching, I'm in my office between classes. If I don't have classes that morning or afternoon, I'll run errands during that time, work from home or a local coffee shop. The thing I love about my schedule is how flexible it is. I can work when I want to at the times that work best for me.

What does your day look like?

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